Wide applicantion

Wide applicantion

What is Plywood?? In the current industrial pressed wood, outside of MDF, MFC, plywood Plywood is also one of the most popular materials used in the production of furniture.. Let's find out immediately the properties and applications of this wood in the article right below.

What is plywood??

Plywood or plywood are both different terms for the type of wood made from many thin boards, of the same size are stacked on top of each other and bonded with a special special glue. Plywood is used very commonly in life, especially in the design and production of furniture. Plywood has an advanced manufacturing process, pressed under high pressure and heat, so the quality is very good and it is safe to use.

History of formation and development of plywood

Learn what Plywood is, don't ignore the history of the first industrial wood – plywood. According to scientists, plywood that has been found in tombs in Egypt claimed to have been used around 3500 years ago. In Asia, The Chinese have also been known to glue thin wooden boards for use since about 1000 last year, and then European countries also started to recognize the use of this plywood.

Around the sixteenth century, The British have proven that gluing together thin sheets of natural wood produces wood products of amazing durability.. It was the turning point for plywood to be "recognized" as an official industrial material and widely used around the world to this day..

Structure of plywood

Plywood wood is made from joining many thin layers of wood about ~1mm thick and of equal size. These layers of wood are overlapped perpendicularly with special glue and high temperature pressed to achieve the desired durability..

Yes 2 The specialized glue that is often used to create plywood is: Phenol glue has the effect of increasing hardness, Water resistant as well as creating a perfect flat surface for the wood. Meanwhile, Formaldehyde glue is resistant to warping or shrinking of wood, all cases of deformation of wood products. However, the use of this glue has limitations because it is toxic to health as well as the environment.

Features of Plywood

One of the characteristics that every Plywood connoisseur must know, That is, the number of boards used for plywood must be odd, depending on the thickness of the wooden plank used 3, 5, 7 there are 9 layers of wood to form. The reason for this is to create a core layer in the middle of the wood.

Then, 2 The wood layer outside the core layer will have the same grain direction. The grain direction of the outer layers will be arranged perpendicularly to increase bearing capacity as well as anti-warping, crack for wood.

Plywood production process

Learn the production process of Plywood plywood to help you understand the characteristics of this industrial wood. Plywood is usually produced in large-scale production facilities with a closed process as well as using many modern technology machines.. Let's take a look at the basic steps to make a quality plywood board right below.

Step 1: Specialized equipment will cut logs from natural wood trunks to pre-determined sizes to ensure smoothness and uniformity of the wood.. These logs are then peeled off into thin layers to prepare for the gluing process.

Step 2: Normally the wood layers will be cut to size 8 x 2 feed, the core layer is thinner by only about 4 x 2 feed will then use a specialized industrial machine to test the elasticity of the wood.

Step 3: Wood is dried with modern drying technology. The types of wood used usually hold the ideal moisture content of about 7 % or can be a verb 6 next 8% is perfect.

Step 4: At this step, the wood layers begin to be sprayed with glue and pre-pressed by machine to initially create the desired wooden plywood panels.. However, This stage has not finished the process of gluing wood.

Step 5: This is the most important step that determines the quality of plywood panels. Pre-pressed wood will be put into the line to press temperature with standard pressure to ensure absolute adhesion and certainty..

Step 6: After being pressed, the wood is cut into rectangular panels, treated to create a smooth and uniform surface.

Step 7: Continue spraying glue and pasting the surface, pre-pressed wood, heat press with extra pressure 4 again before moving on to the final cutting stage to form the plywood panels that we often use in interior construction..

Sophisticated production stage, The strictness of Plywood plywood makes many people believe that this wood will gradually replace natural wood to become a frequently used material in interior design with many outstanding advantages that you will soon know. below.

Advantages and disadvantages of plywood plywood

Learn about What is Plywood? Don't ignore the advantages and disadvantages of plywood to really consider whether this type of wood is suitable for use in home interiors and if so, what kind of furniture should be used from plywood? most reasonable.

Advantages of Plywood

High hardness and durability

Experiencing glue spraying and heat pressing process many times, Plywood is said by experts to have relatively high hardness and durability. Especially with modern production technologies, Plywood is tested and rated for durability, elasticity through each step, Each stage of production is very meticulous.

More water resistant than MDF

MDF is one of the industrial wood products with good moisture resistance, but Plywood is slightly better at resisting water penetration. Especially when dropped into the water, Plywood is also not easy to swell like MDF.

What does this mean for home interiors?: If for furniture products from MDF,, If you are always advised by experts that you should avoid letting the wood come into contact with water or stay in humid environments that can easily reduce the life of the wood, then for plywood you don't need to worry too much about the above problem..

Sanding and PU coating time is faster

Durable Plywood wood surface is quite smooth, Especially the wood goes through the production stages to help have a smooth surface that is easy to perform decorative steps such as sanding or applying Pu paint on top..

Besides, Wood also has the ability to stick to screws and good adhesion, At the same time, the price of plywood is much more reasonable than that of rare natural woods, As well as its elegant beauty, it easily fits into modern interior spaces, so it is very popular today, especially for young families.

Disadvantages of Plywood

Cheap price but higher than MDF, MFC

It is understandable that Plywood plywood is more expensive than MDF or MFC because of its high water resistance and moisture resistance as well as smooth surface.. However, The difference between industrial woods is not much, You can absolutely choose for yourself materials that are suitable for your family's economic conditions as well as the purpose and environment of using each type of wood..

Plywood edge is prone to chipping

A disadvantage shared by many people who have used plywood is that the edge of plywood is very easy to chip during cutting or during long-term use.. One of the important things when using plywood that homeowners need to pay attention to is to always wrap the plywood edges., If in the process of using these coatings they are scratched and exposed the wooden edges, it is very easy to chip, loss of aesthetics.

Easy to warp, delaminations

This is very likely to happen to non-standard plywood production facilities, "eat less" the stage, Pressing wood not according to specifications and standards or using the wrong type of special glue. There are many errors in the manufacturing process that cause plywood to warp, rough surface when exposed to high temperature or delamination when in high humidity environment.

How to prevent this phenomenon?, Homeowners need to find the right manufacturer and supplier of quality plywood products, have a clear and transparent production process. Because plywood if done fully according to the process will have high durability and rarely encounter the above cases..

The color is not as beautiful as MDF, MFC

As many people who have used Plywood plywood have said that this wood has uneven colors and textures like MDF or MFC.. Because of this, plywood is not used much in common spaces such as living rooms, the kitchen which is usually used in the bedroom, work room, floor, decorative shelves… products where the wood surface doesn't need to be perfect.

Types of plywood Plywood today

Find out what Plywood is without skipping information on the most popular types of plywood today. This information will help homeowners choose for themselves the type of plywood that best suits their preferences and usage conditions.. Discover now!

Plywood from birch wood

Plywood from birch has a core layer of ordinary wood made from planted hardwoods such as acacia, eucalyptus wood or rubber wood?. Plywood from birch is moisture resistant, cold water resistance. However, low heat resistant wood, Even boiling water can lead to rapid swelling of the wood. Wood is also not resistant to the attack of termites, so in the process of using it, homeowners should pay special attention to avoid damp places that create a risk for organisms that can penetrate..

Plywood from walnut

Walnut Plywood with the core is also used from planted hardwoods such as acacia, eucalyptus tree, rubber tree… The thickness of the wood depends on the type from 3mm to 25mm. The product is also moisture resistant, Cold water but not against the penetration of termites as well as when encountering boiling water, wood easily swells, deformation.

Plywood from white oak

Plywood from American standard white oak with standard dimensions of 1200mm x 2400mm. Wood has a common thickness of 7mm to 25mm and is more resistant to moisture 2 upper plywood type. The ability to resist termite penetration has improved, but it is still not high.

Plywood from ash wood

Plywood from ash wood with a core layer also uses planted hardwoods like the above types of wood, but the wood surface is made from round peeled ash wood., Imported A/B. The properties of this ash wood plywood are also quite similar to the above plywood types.

Other types

Plywood also has many other types that use pine or oval wood as the surface wood, However, the above woods are the most commonly used and popular materials in interior design and construction..

Applications of Plywood in life

Wood Industry What is Plywood?? The application of Plywood industrial wood in human life is certainly a question that many people are interested in. Plywood laminate is manufactured with the appropriate process for high quality products and is the ideal material to replace the currently depleted natural supply..

In life, Plywood is used a lot in creating concrete molds, shipbuilding, ghh… Special, in the interior design of the current house, Plywood industrial wood is used a lot in the production of furniture such as beds, wardrobe, TV shelf, desks even sofas. Please refer to the furniture products from plywood right below.

Home furniture products from plywood

Plywood bed

Plywood bed model with bright colors, elegance, Modern low bed design is the current trend to give the bedroom space a natural feeling, rustic and cozy.

One of the most popular plywood bed models among young people today is the plywood bed.. Owning a very cute vintage beauty, This is definitely an impressive design for your bedroom space.

Plywood wardrobe

The plywood wardrobe model is one of your indispensable choices when learning about plywood furniture products.. Plywood wardrobe with a variety of designs, With many eye-catching forms as well as scientific layout, it will be the perfect choice for a modern bedroom or dressing room..

Plywood office desk

Modern style desk with elegant design will definitely prioritize plywood material. No need to be too fussy in details, A desk product from plywood with natural wood colors like this certainly not only serves optimally for your working purposes but also contributes to enhancing the style of space and expressing individuality. your kernel.

Plywood bookshelf

Plywood bookshelf is a smart choice for families. Plywood has the ability to manufacture and design, assemble into many interesting bookshelf shapes. This product not only fulfills the task of being a place to store knowledge in the house, but also an interior decoration to make the space more impressive..